+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | President Obama signed H.R. 22, the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act).” | | Section 1413(c) on page H8707 authorizes Agencies to allow EV charging on reimbursible basis! | | | | http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2015-12-01/pdf/CREC-2015-12-01-pt1-PgH8679-2.pdf. | | | | Section 1413(c) authorizes the GSA Administrator, or the head of a Federal agency, to install,| | construct, operate, and maintain on a reimbursable basis a battery recharging station (or | | allow, on a reimbursable basis, the use of a 120-volt electrical receptacle for battery | | recharging) in a parking area that is in the custody, control, or administrative jurisdiction | | of the GSA or the Federal agency for the use of only privately owned vehicles of Federal | | employees and others who are authorized to park in such area to the extent such use by only | | privately owned vehicles does not interfere with or impede access to the equipment by Federal | | fleet vehicles. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+