APRS Objects for Echolink/IRLP and WinLink 25 Nov 08 -------------------------------------------------------------------- WB4APR This description has been pulled from the freqspec.txt file to make it easier to locate the formats exclusively used for Echolink and IRLP and WinLink. Please refer to www.aprs.org/info/freqspec.txt The goal is to make sure that travelers and APRS mobile operators everywhere have access on thier mobile displays to the local frquencies of immediate value to their operations. This means these objects: 1) The local recommended travelers repeater aprs.org/localinfo.html 2) The local Echolink and IRLP frequencies (this file) 3) The local WinLink node for email access APRS, is a single resource for identifying and locating amateur radio operators on both a local and global scale. Access to these other frequencies anytime-anywhere via APRS objects is fundamental to our overall communications objectives. KEEP IT LOCAL! These local frequency OBJECTS should ONLY be transmitted in the local RF area where they can be immediately used. Transmitting them any farther than DIRECT or one hop will just be SPAM in areas that cannot use them. IMPLEMENTATION: These objects are alreay being generated by the central Echolink or Winlink sites or by a script added to your IRLP code. These objects are then injected into the APRS-IS where they have little value. Their real value is when they appear back to RF in your local area for your local node. To get it on the air, you must coordinate with your local IGATE operator to add the NAME or CALLSIGN of your object to its "pass-to-RF" list. EchoLink OBJECT FORMATS: ------------------------ EchoLink object names have the format of EL-123456 so that the node number can be easily seen on the station list of the mobile. This is important, since the mobile user has to have the node number to activate a link. Not the callsign of the node. The rest of the object uses the previous formats above to convey operating frequency and tone, and range. Here is an example OBJECT for EchoLink nodes. ;EL-123456*111111zDDMM.--NEDDDMM.--W0FFF.FFFMHz Tnnn STTS CALL The "STTS" is only a four byte field for the current stataus of the node. Maybe "busy", "link", "off_", "idle" etc. The CALL is the callsiign of this node. In the LAT/LONG fields the TWO hundredths digits are shown entered as SPACE bytes so that the object is transmitte as a one-mile ambiguity object. Replace the two "--" bytes above with SPACES for it to work. The E between LAT/LONG makes APRS display the EchoLink symbol. It is hoped that a single central EchoLink server will generate these objects so that the only thing needed to get them on the air in a local area is to have the local IGate sysop to activate the local object by name for pass-to-RF. ECHOLINK FORMAT USING MIC-E: The Mic-E format is used by the Kenwood D710 radio and it adds frequency information in the status field as shown here: MYCALL>LLLLLL,DIGI:'GGGCSD0E]FFF.FFFMHz Tnnn RXXm Ecolink node= The LLLLLL is the latitude bytes, GGGCSD are the longitude and course speed bytes. The "0E" are the ECHOLINK Symbol bytes. And the "]" byte indicates this is a D700 series Mic-E and the "=" on the end indicates it is the D710 version. The "FFF.FFFMHz Tnnn RXXm" is the frequency and range format. And "Ecolink node" is intentionally misspelled to fit nicely on the display of a D700. IRLP OBJECT FORMATS: -------------------- See the Scrip to add this to your IRLP node: http://irlp.kc6hur.net/irlp_scripts.php IRLP object names are similar and have the format of IRLP-1234 or IRLP12345 if they ever go to 5 digits. This format is so that the node number can be easily seen on the station list of the mobile. The rest of the object uses the previous formats above to convey operating frequency and tone, and range. Here is an example OBJECT for IRLP: ;IRLP-1234*111111zDDMM.--NIDDDMM.--W0FFF.FFFMHz Tnnn STTS CALL In the LAT/LONG fields the TWO hundredths digits are shown entered as SPACE bytes so that the object is transmitte as a one-mile ambiguity object. Replace the two "--" bytes above with SPACES for it to work. The I between LAT/LONG makes APRS display the IRLP symbol. It is hoped that a central server will be written for these objects as well so that they can be consistently generated into the APRS-IS and then only gated back to RF locally. The STATUS (STTS) can be something like these: (Idle, off_, busy, etc). For more info, contact Mark Herson n2mh@n2mh.net WINLINK OBJECT FORMATS: ----------------------- WinLINK Telpac gateway object names have the format of W?-CALLSIGN (where W? can be WL or W1, W2,... W9 for multiple stations) so that the node callsign can be easily seen on the station list of the mobile. The rest of the object uses the previous formats above to convey operating frequency and range. The baud rate, "bbbb" for packet is inserted in place of the TONE, Txxx for voice. Here is an example OBJECT for injection into the APRS-IS: ;WL-AB9XYZ*111111zDDMM.--NWDDDMM.--WaFFF.FFFMHz 1200 RXXm comments In the LAT/LONG fields the TWO hundredths digits are shown entered as SPACE bytes so that the object is transmitte as a one-mile ambiguity object. Replace the two "--" bytes above with SPACES for it to work. The W between LAT/LONG and "a" symbol makes APRS display the WinLink symbol. Please see the full APRS Spec for Frequency Objects: www.aprs.org/info/freqspec.html Bob, WB4APR